Cast Fab Grids

Contact a Steeltech customer service professional for more details.

Steeltech Ltd. manufactures a wide range of heat resistant castings and fixtures. We provide a variety of standard and specialty alloys that are designed to withstand adverse temperatures and atmospheres.  Whether designing a new concept or re-engineering an old one, we have the expertise to fulfill your needs. If we don’t carry the size that meets your requirements, let us design the one that’s right for you.

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Steeltech’s Cast-Fab Grids are available in multiple geometries and a wide range of alloy compositions.

Benefits of Steeltech’s Cast-Fab Grids:

  • Inherent strength of cast structure
  • Composed of individual component parts
  • Replace only failed components – not entire assembly
  • Choose different alloys in the same assembly
  • No tooling costs in most cases
  • Multiple geometries
  • Refurbishment is available at our facility

Our grids are for the following furnaces:

  • Tip-Up
  • Vacuum
  • Car Bottom
  • Pit Furnace
  • Box Furnace
Heat Treatment Brochure